Well time seems to be flying by at WARP speed! It feels like I just got here. I've been having tons of fun, I absolutely love my roomates and new friends. It's not all fun and games though, no sir it is not! School is so so so busy. I'm not even taking as many credits as I should be and I'm still drowning in constant homework! There are some weeks (usually most) where I'll get about a total of 4 hours of sleep in two days, and no people I don't have a newborn...it's called I'll do homework later so I can play. OR it's called my teacher's are crazy and give me wayy to much to do. Hello don't they know I'm busy? Next week I'm headed to Utah to spend the 4th with family, and I'm very excited. Also a little disclaimer a boy from my ward drowned in the Snake River Tuesday, because the river is flooded. A little caution to all PLEASE be careful when your swimming in rivers especially now with the water coming in from the melted snow in the mountains, check the conditions and wear life jackets! On a lighter note here's what I've been up to.