Saturday, April 27, 2013

New Testament

For my New Testament class I was given the assignment of reading about Mary the mother of Jesus. I was told to pick characteristics out about Mary and to choose one I wish I possessed and to write about it.Then I'm supposed to blog what I wrote so here are my findings.

Luke 1:28, Luke 1:26-56
-She trusted in the Angel the first time he told her what was going to come to pass.
-She had unseen faith
-She humbly submits to the Lords will
-She is blessed because she believed those things she was told by the Angel Gabriel.
-Mary magnifies the Lord
-Her spirit rejoices in God.
-She respects (fears) God.

                A quality that I wish to possess of Mary’s is to be able to have faith in that which I cannot see. Mary was so willing to believe in the Angel and in what was going to come to pass. I want to be able to study the scriptures and receive answers to prayers and believe that those answers and events in my life will come to pass. I want to be able to put my full trust in Heavenly Father. I think I can accomplish this by studying the scriptures and learning from figures in the scriptures such as Mary. Her story inspires me to have more faith and more fully be willing to submit to Heavenly Father’s will for me.

In all Mary is such an astounding woman. She was favoured of the Lord and she never questioned her purpose. She had faith in that which she could not fully see, and was so humble to quickly understand and believe the words of the Angel Gabriel. She is an example to me faith and humility.