Since being out of school until April, I've decided to catch up on my reading. I lovvvvvvve to read. My favorite thing to do is camp out at Barnes and Noble and drink diet coke and read. I love how reading allows you to live in a different world, and keeps your brain moving! I just started up Harry Potter again because I never finished! I know everyone is shocked! How could I stop? I ask myself that now that I've started again..(how do you even put it down?) So I'm on the 6th of that, and I'm also starting Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins . Heard it was awesome!...so go pick up a book and get reading!!.hurry up now...c'mon get going...your still reading this?...
FInally, Its about time I saw you on my current blog post!! I know because i live with you that you love to bunker down with the covers pulled up tight, lola snuggled in and you with a book! I will miss that again once you leave me to adventure out to school again soon.. I have to stop thinking about that now as Im tearing up!
Fun, fun, fun! Reading is such a grand adventure! Enjoy the fun books before it turns back into the text books! Love ya!
Maybe Harry can take Edwards place? Fat chance. Though I am wondering how you could stop reading the series right toward the end. Kiera is counting the days until the next movie (as you can tell by our blog). I think she does love Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliff) as much as you love Edward. I guess if you can't find a guy like your uncle Klint they will have to do.
Madison just started reading The Sorcerers Stone today. Since she read the whole Twilight series, it has been hard to get her excited about any other book. Once she finds out your reading Harry, I think she'll jump right in. Thanks for being such a Great Role Model.
P.S. We're moving to California, because you said Please:)
I'm reading harry potter too!! for actually the first time! i am on book 4. what a coincedence!!!!!
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