" Everybody is a genius. But, if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it’ll spend its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
If you teach a child in such a way that they are incapable of learning, they will go on believing they cannot accomplish much of anything. Once I realized my inabilities I was able to focus on my abilities. Once I figured out how I learned, I figured out that maybe I could accomplish great things in life because I could learn and apply. That is why I wanted to become a teacher. I want to help those students realize that they can learn, they can understand, and they can accomplish great things. It's taken me this year to remember why I wanted to be "just a teacher." And I really don't believe all the false things I believed before. I know teachers are hard working and very respected people. I want to pay it forward by taking what I experienced and turn it into a way of helping these students. I have so many fun ideas I've been storing away for years. I'm ready to rededicate myself and get back to Idaho this April which I'm SO excited about.
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{http://www.digiscrapdepot.com/freebies/wordart/teacher-compass/65477.aspx} |
You'll be great!! I'm excited for you!
This post makes me so happy, for multiple reasons:
1. you will be an amazing teacher
2. there is no "just a teacher"; however, I know how you feel. BYU was the same way. I feel like that is one of the reasons I stopped studying to be a teacher, and I think about going back and doing it after all at least a few times a month, if not at least once a week.
3. Live you dreams!
4. we'll leave the singles ward at the same time, so I won't have to miss you at all.
you are so great! I love you.
Have a happy week!!
I wish I could take the feeling I have in my heart and make it become words.
Are you aware of how much I love you? How much I admire you? How impressed I am with your ability to somehow always be more amazing than when I spoke to you last (because I'm always pretty confident that you've hit the absolute top of the amazing scale). Do you know how badly I want to grow up to live near you so that my children can have you as their teacher? Do you know how much I miss you? Do you know how excited I am for you to tackle this goal head on? Because it's a lot. A whole lot.
You are one phenomenal woman. You're compassion, love, and intelligence are going to change the world. I am better for having you as a friend, and I can't even fathom how much of a positive impact you will have on your students; and they lives they will touch after being under your influence. I'm seriously sitting here in tears trying to comprehend your enormous potential for good. It's infinite.
You, you are amazing.
Lexie Lou, I love your passion..it inspires me!!
wow---you ladies are the sweetest EVER! I love you all.
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