Friday, July 12, 2013

The Holy Ghost

1.     As you study the following verses, make a list of what the Savior taught about (1) what the Holy Ghost does and (2) what disciples must do to receive the Holy Ghost:
·         John 14:15–17-If we keep the commandments then we will be blessed with the Holy Ghost who is a comforter.
·         John 14:26–27-The Holy Ghost which is sent to us from our Father in Heaven through the Savior is a comforter, he will teach us all things, and bring all things our Father has taught us to our remembrance. The Holy Ghost gives us peace from the Father.
·         John 15:26–27-The Holy Ghost testifies of truth and testifies to us when we hear truth. He testifies of our Savior.
·         John 16:7–8-Having the Holy Ghost with us is having our Savior with us. The Holy Ghost testifies to us what our Savior would have us know.
·         John 16:13–14-The Holy Ghost shows us of things to come.

2. Add to your list above as you study the following resources:
Institute student manual Points to Ponder, “The Holy Ghost Brings Man to His Fullest Potential” (pg. 168)
Institute student manual Points to Ponder, “As a Messenger of the Godhead, the Holy Ghost Teaches Faithful Members” (pg. 168)
The Holy Ghost testifies to us of truth. He is a personage of Spirit in the likeness of the Father and the Son. He is a special messenger from the Father and Son and carries out their will. He quickens the minds of those who have made covenants with Heavenly Father and makes truths known to us.
Bible Dictionary, “Holy Ghost” (pg. 704)
-The Holy Ghost has been manifest in every dispensation of the gospel since the beginning. The gift of the Holy Ghost comes only after proper and authorized baptism, and is conferred by the laying on of hands. The Holy Ghost can come upon you in two forms: in the power and in the gift. You can be given the power of the Holy Ghost before baptism, but you do not have it to be with you always until you are baptized by the proper and authorized authority and confirmed by the laying on of hands. That is when you are given the “gift” of the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost knows all things and can lead one to know of future events. Other names for the Holy Ghost are: Holy Spirit, Spirit of God, Spirit of the Lord, Comforter, and Spirit.

3. Review your list of what the Holy Ghost does. Then write responses to the following tasks:
Describe how the Holy Ghost helped the Apostles fulfill their missions after the Savior’s death and resurrection.
Without the Holy Ghost the Apostles would not have been ready for their ministry after the death of the Savior. How could they have acted as the Savior without His instruction from the Father through the Holy Ghost? They could not have done it because they would have been acting as man, and not as Apostles of God.
Write a paragraph about a time when the Holy Ghost blessed you in one of the ways you listed above. Give an example of how the Holy Ghost has inspired you.

 The Holy Ghost has been a huge blessing in my life. I will share a personal story of a time when I was first beginning to drive. I had recently gotten my driver’s license and was very new at the whole driving alone thing. When I would switch lanes I would not use my mirrors but would turn my whole head around to look back to see if I could switch lanes. One day when I was driving I got the impression that what I was doing was really dangerous, because I wasn’t looking at the road for a long period of time. I really recognized this as the Holy Ghost because He made me aware of a danger I had no idea I was doing. It was a clear thought that came to my mind and it was for my safety and for the safety of those who are around me. The Holy Ghost inspires me, because without that inspiration I would make so many mistakes. I would have taken a far different path in life then where I am at now. I was impressed to apply for BYU-Idaho when I had absolutely no plans of attending this school. This is where I was supposed to be all along. That is a huge blessing, because it has changed my life for the better in a million ways. 

Saturday, July 6, 2013

New Commandment

According to John 13:34-35 others can know we are Disciples of Christ, by if we show love unto one another.

List some specific ways a disciple of Jesus Christ might respond in the following situations (in accordance with John 13:34–35):
*Someone you know is ridiculed or made fun of because of the way he or she dresses. 
-In this situation I would show love to this person, by sticking up for them. I would refute what the person was saying, and direct the attention elsewhere. I wouldn’t want to put the person making fun of them down because then I am just acting like the person who is being unkind, but I would want to be a support to the person being made fun of. I would very much make it known, that it is not ok to say things like that to someone and would help to change the subject.

*You see a new person at church.
-The way to show love in this situation is really simple. Introduce yourself and invite them to come sit with you.

Ponder the question, “Do people know that I am a disciple of Jesus Christ by the way I treat them?” Select a family member, coworker, or neighbor and make a short list of things you can do during the coming week to show him or her kind of love the Savior would show. Then follow through with what you wrote down.

-I can choose to show love to my roommates by doing dishes that are not mine, picking up after them, and helping them with little needs I hear them speak about. I know personally when people do this for me it makes a world of difference.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Preparing for the Second Coming of the Lord

These are scriptural references that help us to prepare ourselves for the Second Coming of Jesus

Believers can watch for the calamities that have been foretold, they can be prepared by continuing in righteous ways and in prayer, and they can be aware of those that will try to deceive us.

How to prepare for the Second Coming:
Doctrine and Covenants 87:8-Stand in Holy places
Joseph Smith-Matthew 1:32-Desolation and abomination will occur, which will be fulfilling of prophecy from the Prophet Daniel.
Joseph Smith-Matthew 1:37-Those who gained and kept a solid testimony of true Gospel will be gathered together by the Angels of the Savior as His elect people.
Joseph Smith-Matthew 1:46-50-Always be prepared because we do not know the day the Savior will come again. Be prepared and continue to do those things which are right which will bless your family and make the Lord happy with you.
Doctrine and Covenants 33:17- Always be prepared for the coming of the Lord. Be prepared!

Doctrine and Covenants 45:56-57-Parable of the Ten Virgins. Always be prepared by doing what is right, that it won’t matter what day the Savior returns again; we will be ready with oil in our lamps. 

Friday, June 21, 2013

The Last Days of Jesus Christ

This is an account of the Last Days of Jesus Christ before His mortal ministry was to end by crucifixion of His own people. This is for my New Testament class and really reminded me of how grateful I am for my Savior and what He endured for me because it was the will of our Father in Heaven who sent Him. He died for you and for me, because He wanted too, and He knew it was what needed to be done in order for us to be able to return to our Father in Heaven. The Atonement covers not only our sins, that we can pray for forgiveness for, but it also covers our Sorrows, struggles, and joys. Our Savior felt everything we feel now whether good or bad and that is why He tells us to come to Him, to let Him help us carry the burdens we carry. We were never asked to get through this life alone. That is why our Heavenly Father sent our Savior Jesus Christ. 

Day 1:
Jesus arrived in Jerusalem. He rode through the city gates on a donkey with a colt to a large crowd of people who knew Him as the “Prophet of Nazareth of Galilee.” Palm branches were put in His path and He was greeted with a Hosanna shout: “Hosanna to the Son of David: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest.” (Matthew 21:9.) He went straight to the temple, recorded what He saw, and retired for the night.

Day 2:
The next day Jesus went straight to the temple again and challenged the religious Jewish leadership by clearing the area of those who were using the temple to trade and make money. By doing this He challenged their leadership. The issue was whether the House of God was to be a place to worship God or get gain. “As he cleared the temple courts, he said, “It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.” (Matthew 21:13.)”

Day 3:
Jesus’ wrath in the temple raised the issue of authority and the priests would not let that go. The next day when Jesus came to the temple, the priests asked Him by what authority did He clear the temples? Jesus responded by giving a series of parables that offended the religious leaders in the temple. The scribes and Pharisees challenged Him again and Jesus openly denounced them and called them hypocrites. After this Jesus taught more in public, but to the Twelve Apostles only. The religious leaders felt that Jesus had the upper hand in the confrontations they had, and were plotting a way to bring about His death. They had to think of a way to arrest Christ without provoking crowd reaction, because Jesus had become very popular with the Jewish people. Something happened that was not expected and one of Jesus’ own disciples offered to betray Him.

Day 4:
Jesus knew of the plot and most likely spent the day in Bethany. The record of the gospel writers was silent on this day.

Day 5:
Jesus commemorated the Passover meal in a private home, where He introduced a new ordinance which was the Sacrament which would represent His atoning sacrifice. Christ prophesied of His death and indicated who would be the one to betray Him. Jesus then after some instructions offered a great intercessory prayer. Judas had left and he took the 11 to Gethsemane with Him. He took Peter, James and John further into the garden with Him, and then left them and went off alone to pray. “There he pled with his Heavenly Father to “let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.” (Matthew 26:39.) The cup did not pass and Jesus suffered “the pain of all men” (D&C 18:11), an agony so excruciating that it caused him to bleed at every pore (D&C 19:18).” (LDS institute manual, New Testament pgs. 135-37)
   Later He rejoined His apostles and indicated that His betrayer was at hand. Then Judas came with an armed band to arrest Him. Jesus submitted without resistance and was brought to an illegal trial that same night.

Day 6:
The Jewish leaders didn’t want to just put Jesus to death but wanted to discredit Him before His own people. In order to do this the leaders charged Him with two crimes. Since He said He was the Son of God He was charged with blasphemy, which was a capital offense under Jewish law. This would discredit Jesus but the Jewish leaders knew with that only they could not sentence Him to death because the Roman governor could only do that. So they had to find a political indictment against Him.  They charged Him with sedition against the state (rebellion against government) for saying He was the “King of Jews.” “Though Pilate’s examination found Jesus guiltless of the charge, the Jewish leaders had incited the crowd to “destroy Jesus.” (Matthew 27:20.) Fearing a demonstration, Pilate gave in to the clamor to crucify Jesus, and the death sentence was pronounced.” (LDS institute manual, New Testament pgs. 135-37) Jesus was executed by crucifixion and later that afternoon voluntarily gave up His Spirit. At sundown Passover would begin and the Jewish leaders did not want a man remaining on the cross on the Sabbath especially the paschal Sabbath. Jesus’ body was removed that night and He was buried in a sealed tomb by two revering disciples.

Day 7:
This was the Jewish Sabbath. Jesus’ body stayed in the tomb, but in Spirit Christ administered in the realm of departed spirits.

Day of Resurrection:
“Had the gospel ended with Jesus’ burial, there would be no gospel story, no “good news.” The great message of these testators is that Jesus was risen and was seen again by many witnesses. On the first day of the week, the most memorable Sunday in history, Jesus Christ emerged alive from the tomb, and appeared before Mary. The testimony of these witnesses constitutes the gospel story, the “good news.”

“These are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name.” (John 20:31.)”  (LDS institute manual, New Testament pgs. 135-37)

Saturday, June 15, 2013


Luke 16:1-12
1. To me the main principle I learned from this parable is, that since we have knowledge of what is to come in the next life, use this life and what you have to help others and prepare yourself for what is to come in the future. Help others, and live worthy to live eternally.

Luke 16:19-31
2. This parable is really eye opening. We learn that now those who were not able to hear the gospel can hear it and progress. It wasn’t until the Savior visited the spirit world the gulf with bridged and vicarious ordinances can now be performed. The main principle I learned from this was that this life is so temporary and we must take care of the those in need now, because in the next life we want our earthly choices to have been good ones.

Luke 17:11-19
3. The main principle from this parable for me personally is that we must remember to give thanks in all thanks, and we must be obedient to that which we are asked to do even if we do not understand. The Gospel is peace needed to go to all men not just men of certain races. The man who came back to give thanks was a Samaritan and Jesus loved and thanked him and showed His Apostles race did not matter.

Luke 18:1-8
4. The main principle from this parable is to continue to ask the Lord in faith and patience for that which you are seeking. Sometimes we must pray a long time for things, but we must continue to do so in faith believing that we will receive. If we receive something right away we may not be grateful for it, or we may not learn the lesson we need to.

Luke 18:9-14

5. To me this parable was given to remind us that we must pray in humility. We can’t think of ourselves in as such amazing people who are better than our neighbors. We must recognize before Heavenly Father that we are of nothing without Him, and we are not better than others. 

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Becoming Like a Child

Read: Matthew 18: 1-14, Doctrine and Covenants 78:17-18

We are like little children if we humble ourselves and become converted. We are like little children, because we can’t handle the understanding of all the blessings Heavenly Father has in His hands and prepared for us. Heavenly Father will lead us along the path we should take to obtain the blessings He has prepared for us.

To become like a child we must be submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon us just like a child submits to the will of his Father.  (Mosiah 3:19)

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Walking on the Sea

Choice 3: Matthew 14:22–33. Walking on the Sea

  1. Review Matthew 14:22–33. Identify in writing what the reaction of the Apostles was when they first saw the Savior walking on the water toward them.
-The Apostles were afraid of the Savior because they could not see who He was.
  1. What did Peter’s response indicate about him?
-I think that Peter was happy to see the Savior and wanted to come to Him.
  1. According to Matthew 14:30, why did Peter begin to sink?
-Peter became frightened because of the elements around Him. He feared them more than he had faith in the power of the Savior in that moment.
  1. What did Peter do when he began to sink? What word in the verses describes the expediency or the timing when Jesus responded to Peter’s request?
-Peter cried out for help from the Savior. Christ stretched forth His hand immediately. I think this is a reminder that our Savior is always there for us, we just need to ask.
  1. Read Doctrine and Covenants 88:67. Write a paragraph describing what principle from this verse relates to what Peter did to successfully walk on the water. How can this same principle be applied to your life to assist you in walking over the storms of life?

I think that when Peter first saw Christ walking on water He had the utmost faith and love for Him. Peter wanted to come unto the Savior. I think the principle that I can take from this verse is that when we turn our lives to Christ we are filled with light, and we will not sink in tribulations. Peter struggled once on the water, and I think we struggle with trials in our own lives. I think what I’ve learned from this is that when we seek the help of our Savior and truly believe He can help us, He always does. We have to do our part and come to Him and He will always have his hand reached out to us.

  • How and what did you do to complete the assignment?
-I read the assigned verses and thought about its meaning.
  • Why did you decide to do the assignment you did?
-I love this story about Peter and our Savior. I think much can be learned about      seeking our Savior’s help and how He is always there.
  • What do you think is the best thing about your assignment, and how do you think it could it be improved?
-I loved analyzing Peter because we are the Peter in this story. I don’t see any improvements for this week. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Homework? No Thanks.

Every time I have a huge load of homework to do, I think to myself..hey I haven't updated my blog in forever. I am currently sitting in my room starving. I just ran/walked 3 miles and I'm starving. But nooooooooo I can't eat. Cassie's getting married so I have to look semi-descent in a dress. Anyways life back in Rexburg is interesting. Something always seems to happen to me at the beginning of the semester that makes me want to cry and go home. I swear...almost every single time. I'm trying not to let the actions of others make me into a person who has trust issues and turns me into a bitter person. I don't ever want to be bitter, but life experiences can make you feel that way. The biggest life lesson I've learned these last few years is that words are nothing without action. People can talk all day long, but without action behind those words they mean nothing. I'm trying to apply this to my life as well. School is crazy and I have less than 2 weeks to pass 2 major math exams so I can register for my last semester starting in the Fall. I don't even know where the time went, I've felt so distracted and in my head lately. Life can be hard, but it always comes down to the fact that I have an amazing family who always helps me keep perspective about life. I won't always be in Rexburg, and I won't forever be in school. Sometimes I feel like it's groundhog day and I wonder when the heck I'm going to get out of this place! Most of my friends have already graduated or are graduating this semester. I'm ready to go too, I'll miss the memories so much but it's time for me to move on. Life is in the bubble is getting old, and I'm tired of competing with 19 year old girls who are way more fun than me. (haaaahaaa). Being 23 in Rexburg is the equivalent of 33. After you turn 20 you can go ahead and tack on another 10 years and that's how people will view you. I shouldn't complain because I do love lots of things here. I've had some of my best times in Rexburg, but like with anything in life there is a season and my season for Rexburg is coming to a close. I've been learning guitar and it's been such a huge stress reliever for me. Music really is one of the wonders of the world. It takes you to this place where no one can hurt you. I love it. I went to Utah last weekend and it felt so amazing to get out and spend time with other people and old friends. I miss my old friends. I hate that everyone is scattered in all different places, but that's okay because I love to travel. (: Life is good and crazy!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Parables of Christ

Choice 2: Matthew 13: 24-48. The Lord Often Taught with Parables

  1. In the Bible Dictionary read the first three paragraphs under the entry “Parables” (pgs. 740-41). In your own words, write a definition of a parable.

A parable to me means a story in which those who are familiar with the scriptures and in tune with the spirit are able to have an understanding greater than what may at first seem to be. A parable can teach deep doctrine and points about life if you are able to spiritually discern its message.


2.    Read the following parables: parable of the tares (Matthew 13:24-30); parables of the mustard seed and the leaven (Matthew 13:47-50); parables of the treasure and the pearl of great price (Matthew 13:44-46); parable of the gospel net (Matthew 13:47-50). Next to each of the following questions write the name of the parable that best answers that question.

o       What describes the future growth of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? Parable of the leaven.

o       Why does the Church send out so many missionaries? Parable of the Tares.

o       How do you explain the remarkable growth of the Church, considering that it is fairly new compared to most world religions and started small in the American frontier? Parable of the mustard seed.

​o       Why are some members of the Church willing to sacrifice so much worldly wealth and recognition in order to maintain membership in the Church? Pearl of Great Price

·         Why do some Church members choose to leave the Church? Parable of the Net.

·      How and what did you do to complete the assignment?

I read the scriptures as given and also looked in the institute manual to gain further insight because the parables can be hard to understand.

·      Why did you decide to do the assignment you did?

I love reading the parables and I think it makes you think harder and dig deeper into the doctrine.

·      What do you think is the best thing about your assignment, and how do you think it could it be improved?

The best part of the assignment was being given the different parables to read about. This can be improved upon by giving us different resources to go to in order to better understand the meanings of the parables.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Beatitudes Matthew 5:1-12

1. Blessed: To be happy and have blessings come upon you.
Blessedness: To have joy come upon you, or good things.
2. Beatitude 1: The Merciful
                Being merciful is such an important part of life. I know that when I show mercy on others it always helps them in life and brightens their outlook. There are enough rough people in this life who take what they think they deserve and help no one around them. I believe being merciful creates a love for others and helps others create a love for you. I know that when others are merciful to me I really appreciate them not being judging of my flaws and helping me get through life.
Beatitude 2: Pure in Heart
                Being pure in heart is one of the greatest characteristics you can create within yourself and seek in others. Being pure in heart creates happiness because people who are pure in heart have no other intentions behind what it is they are doing. They seek after what is right and do it for the right reason. This creates happiness because they inspire you to be pure in heart, and help you to better yourself. It also creates amazing people in your life who are solid friends.
Beatitude 3: Poor in Spirit
                When you are poor in spirit you are humble. It is not easy to obtain humility especially when there are so many things you can be prideful about. I believe that being poor in spirit creates happiness because you acknowledge the hand of God in your lives. You know where you came from, where you’re going, and where you’ll end up. Being humble draws others to you and it really helps people to connect and relate to you in all aspects of life. 

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Matthew 3:13–17. The Baptism of Jesus Christ

On this discussion I am learning about why Jesus needed to be baptized if he were already perfect.

Review Matthew 3:13–17 and the institute student manual commentary for Matthew 3:16, “What Is the Significance of the Holy Ghost Descending ‘like a Dove’?” (pg. 28–29). Then write answers to the following questions:

Greater Information on Baptism:
  • Why was John hesitant to baptize Jesus?
A: I believe John was hesitant to baptize Jesus because he knew Christ was the Son of God and wondered why He needed to baptize Jesus if He were perfect. I also think John could have felt unworthy of such a task.
  • What is taught here about the Holy Ghost? 
A: The Holy Ghost represents death of your sins (immersion) and then the coming up out of the water represents a rebirth of your spiritual life.
  • Jesus Christ said He must be baptized to “fulfill all righteousness.” List three reasons why Jesus Christ was baptized (see 2 Nephi 31:6–11).
A: To show unto the Father that Christ is obedient unto all commandments, for Him to set the example of how the path is strait and the gate is narrow, so the Father can tell us to be baptized like His perfect Son was, and to receive the Holy Ghost.
  • What evidence is found in Matthew 3:16–17 that the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are three separate personages in the Godhead?
A: In these verses we have Christ in the water just being baptized, we have the Holy Ghost descending upon Him in the form of a dove, and we have Heavenly Father speaking from Heaven showing that they are three distinct separate personages. 

Saturday, April 27, 2013

New Testament

For my New Testament class I was given the assignment of reading about Mary the mother of Jesus. I was told to pick characteristics out about Mary and to choose one I wish I possessed and to write about it.Then I'm supposed to blog what I wrote so here are my findings.

Luke 1:28, Luke 1:26-56
-She trusted in the Angel the first time he told her what was going to come to pass.
-She had unseen faith
-She humbly submits to the Lords will
-She is blessed because she believed those things she was told by the Angel Gabriel.
-Mary magnifies the Lord
-Her spirit rejoices in God.
-She respects (fears) God.

                A quality that I wish to possess of Mary’s is to be able to have faith in that which I cannot see. Mary was so willing to believe in the Angel and in what was going to come to pass. I want to be able to study the scriptures and receive answers to prayers and believe that those answers and events in my life will come to pass. I want to be able to put my full trust in Heavenly Father. I think I can accomplish this by studying the scriptures and learning from figures in the scriptures such as Mary. Her story inspires me to have more faith and more fully be willing to submit to Heavenly Father’s will for me.

In all Mary is such an astounding woman. She was favoured of the Lord and she never questioned her purpose. She had faith in that which she could not fully see, and was so humble to quickly understand and believe the words of the Angel Gabriel. She is an example to me faith and humility.